Monday, May 26, 2014

5 Things to Keep in Mind on Memorial Day

Memorial Day 2014 is coming to an end, and I hope everyone had a great holiday with family and friends.  Many people celebrate with parades, BBQ's or a number of other events, but I hope everyone took the time to think about what Memorial Day really means.  I would venture to say that a good percentage of Americans don't even know what it means, much less be able to differentiate it from Veteran's Day.  If you happen to not know, Memorial Day is in recognition of those who have died in military service while Veteran's Day is a celebration of all veterans.

With that being said, I've compiled five things that I hope all Americans can take away from this Memorial Day:

1. How far we have come:

It is impossible to think about how far we have come as a nation without remembering the men and women who have fought and died in the name of freedom and liberty.  From the Revolution to the War on Terror, countless men and women have given their lives.  Where would we be without those who are willing to give it all, to risk their lives so that the freedom and principles that are maintained in our Constitution would continue to stand?  We definitely would not be where we are now.  

2. Where we are going:

If men and women are dying for our freedoms, shouldn't we make sure that we elect leaders that serve our nation in such a way that honors We the People, our Constitution?  It is our duty as Americans to make sure that if men and women are willing to go overseas into the middle of hostile territory, we better make damn sure we are honoring the very principals which they are dying to protect.  Stay informed.  Partake in discussions. Read the news.  Elect competent leaders who love this country and want to see it succeed.  This is all to ensure that those who are fighting can rest assured that their sacrifice is not in vain.  

3. Leave Politics Out of Support

Maybe you're anti-war.  If so, GREAT!  One would have to be mentally imbalanced if they consider themselves pro-war.  We have to understand that a competent and lethal military is vital to the survival of this country and we should always do what is necessary to protect it.  Keep in mind that the people who are fighting and dying aren't fighting due to their politics, so nothing offends me more than someone saying they don't support the troops because they're anti-war or they don't agree with our military conflicts.  Personally, I don't agree with the fact that we are still fighting in Afghanistan and meddling around in virtually the entire Middle East.  However, the people who are fighting have no choice on where they serve.  They serve because they love this country and want to protect it.  If you don't want war, fine.  Vote for candidates who are less likely to take us into war or write your Congressman.  Nothing could be more unpatriotic than not supporting those who put their life on the line for us regardless of where they are sent to fight. 

4. Understand Foreign Policy

With chaos in the Middle East and tensions surround Ukraine, foreign policy is at the forefront of national concerns.  Think about how our military should be used.  Should we have troops in over 100 countries?  Should we continue in a perpetual state of war on the idea of terror?  I believe that we should do all that we can to protect this country, to guard it from enemies and to secure our borders.  However, I don't believe that it is our call to be a world police.  Lives are VALUABLE.  A politician should never be willing to send a man or woman off to war if he would not feel comfortable sending his or her own son or daughter.  War is hell.  Anyone who has fought will tell you that.  Many people serve overseas and come back with terrible mental and physical problems, and many never make it home.  War should be an absolute last resort, and the way that we send a message to Washington to make sure they are responsible in where our troops are sent is to be informed about world events so that our military will be used in such a way that is Consistent with the Constitution and our nation's absolute best interests. 

I have long admired the foreign policy of Rand and Ron Paul: 

5. Be Thankful

This goes without saying.  Thousands and thousands have fought and died to preserve this country and its freedoms.  There are families right now who are struggling because they lost a father or a brother, sister or mother in the line of duty.  This is going on right as we speak.  Understand that everything that we value as a country comes directly from those who were willing to fight and die for it.  Memorial Day is great to raise awareness of all of these issues, but we must all dwell on this more than once a year.  Be thankful in heart.  Be thankful in mind, and do all you can to support the greatest country on earth and those who are willing to die for it. 

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